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Results (1098 items)

Sir Edward Carson's Mounted Escort'
Sir Edward Carson: His Return to Belfast - For Enniskillen on Tuesday'
Sir Edward Carson in Liverpool'
Sir Edward Carson Leaves for Londonderry'
Anti-Home Rule Campaign'
Ulster Day Covenant Ratified: Unionist Council Meeting - Delegates' Resolve, Steadfast Determination'
Sending of the Covenant: Busy Scene at Town Hall'
Ulster Day in Edinburgh'
The Enniskillen Horse'
The Boyne Flag'
Loyalty of Linsagarvey: East Follows West - Huge Lisburn Meeting, Sir E. Carson's Resolve'
The Ulster Campaign: Snapshots at Coleraine Meeting'
The Coleraine Demonstration: Leader's Welcome - Enthusiastic Scenes'
A Stronghold of Loyalty: Great Portadown Demonstration - Enthusiastic Scenes'
The Ulster Solemn League and Covenant Ratified'
One Hundred and Four - Still Working'
Ulster Day, Ulster's Prayer'
The Signing og the Covenant'