Ref ID: 705


Life's Crown Well Won, Passing of Murdered Nurse, Unique Public Tribute'


Belfast Telegraph, Friday 16 May 1919 - Description of the funeral service of Nurse Edith Cavell, held at Westminster Abbey. Having been found guilty of treason by a German court-martial, Nurse Cavell was exectuted by a German firing squad on 12 October 1915; her remains were returned to England in May 1919. Her funeral service was afforded full military honours and was attended by Queen Alexandra and the Prime Minister David Lloyd George.



Additional Information

Throughout the war and in the immediate post-war period, people across the island of Ireland collected money for memorials to honour those who had died. Tabloids include the Belfast Telegraph, the Northern Whig and the Belfast News Letter. The clippings range from 1916 to 1922 and cover events such as the erection of monuments and memorials to those who died, memorial services, and rolls of honour listing the names of Ulster service men who went to war.




Newspaper, Life Story - Belfast Telegraph

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